Mother & Baby Barrier Balm - 100% Natural

Mother & Baby Barrier Balm - 100% Natural
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R95

Natural baby product - 100% NATURAL & LOCALLY MADE

An excellent all-purpose balm that is gentle but effective in protecting, nourishing, and healing mother & baby's skin. Aids healing of dry, irritated skin, nappy rash, and eczema. Also useful for cracked or chapped skin, abrasions, pimples, cradle cap, and other minor skin irritations. Our Mother & Baby barrier balm can be gently massaged into breasts and sore nipples. An added benefit: Helps in the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. An essential addition to your baby bag. 

No preservatives required so one, therefore, needs to store tightly capped and keep the balm out of direct heat or sun exposure (such as on window sill). This will prolong the effectiveness of the essential oils. This product has a shelf life of roughly 1-2 years if stored correctly.

Our Mother and Baby barrier balm is your top baby essential product!

Size: 100 gms